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Why starting this blog?

 "I will learn C-walk. I love that dance", said me sitting on the couch watching YouTube videos, "I used to dance before anyway so it wouldn't be that hard." I was hopeful. I even performed some dance-shows in my school-college days. Boy o boy! Well, how wrong was I? My body had now become stiff and the synchronisation between my hands and legs were totally off. Didn't take it long to understand that dancing is not my forte. 

That was not the first time I had called off a learning project. If I recall the abortive attempts in my life is countless. Although I am sure I am not the only one, it certainly doesn't help me feel any better. 
I have helped several friends and families of mine with adobe photoshops. Starting from the basics, I started to take advanced projects. Watched a ton of YouTube tutorials and they got me interested. Learnt new things every day. Burnt midnight oils. Then there came a time when I was put in a tight corner. Who stays passionate about hobbies while on tenterhooks? I abandoned the projects completely. Picked up my old friend, my rusty six-strings. Cleaned it, oiled and fixed it. Started playing it in my free time just like in the old days. I had a realization that although I could play finger-picking (it's a little advance way of playing the guitar, where you play the base note and the melody at the same time. Some calls it the Hybrid-picking as well) quite well, I didn't learn the songs completely. If someone would ask me to play a full song, I had to look like a fool playing a jumble of different samples.

I had a burning passion for foreign languages. Back in the days, there used to be a Website called SharedTalk. One could assign their native language to their profile along with the languages they intend to learn. And the website used to match people up according to their needs. That was an incredible website to learn a language and practise it with the native speaker at the same time. I had my heart for Portuguese. Gave it a go. Used to visit the local cafe for 4-5 days a week. Well what a shocker, I gave it up after a year of learning partially. I simply lost interest.

I also happened to own YouTube channels on mixing audios and creating suspense audio-dramas. Used to edit gaming videos day and night or work on short movies. Learned audio mixing with Mixcraft, Reaper and other advanced software. Excelled at Melodyne, making Electronic music on FL studio. But never took any of those skills to the next level.

So, that always had been an issue with me. I start learning something. Get excited initially and be on cloud nine on little achievements. This is not necessarily bad, but it doesn't take me much to be in the doldrums and I end up deserting the hobby. That prevents me from mastering that particular skill.
In a nutshell, my life is a mess and so are my learning process. It's so chaotic, disorganized just like this first post on this blog.
DexLearningSkillz is a step towards a sort out, systematic, organized way of learning, where I will post the skills I learn even if diminutive. It would assist me to keep track of the initiatives I have taken to provide me with halcyon. 


  1. Yes.... I remembered all those things..... I used to tell you that you're good at those things and you should be serious at that thing but after a couple of months I used to found you ending up that learning and beginning a new thing..... But no learning is wastage whether it's a fully or partially.... So, keep it up

    1. That's so true. Better late than never. Thank you for the valuable time and guides brother.


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