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Showing posts from May, 2021

Learning Illustration: 4 : Colour Swatches and Gradient ( Adobe Illustrator )

Writing this down before I hit the bed. Just watched a movie with Winnie, "The Croods". I had already seen the movie years ago. But I wanted her to watch it. Anyway, I am getting off-topic,  This would be a short and fast catch up on the illustration class as it's getting late. So much to do, so much to learn, so little time. In the class by  EnvatoTuts+ , Mr Dan taught us things about colour swatches. It was all about colours. The usage of colour swatches for faster colouring. Adding customised colours to the swatches. And the most interesting one was the colour theme which uses the adobe cloud and shows a variety of colour combinations for a vibrant and eye-catching result. The community's most picked and voted colour combinations and adding them to the colour swatches can bring life to a dull illustration.  And for people who don't like adobe clouds, we were given websites where we can pick other good colour combinations as well. And we were asked to fill colou...

Deviantart and Instagram for Digital art?

Learning skills feel better when shared. When you draw your first piece of illustration, the excitement and satisfaction are out of the world. But when you are the only one staring at the art you made, another pair of eyes can be so rewarding. There are plenty of websites to share digital art. But I picked Deviantart and Instagram.  Deviantart is such an amazing website that holds artists from all around the world of different level of expertise. The community is nice. People share their arts and they support each other with feedback.  Then Instagram is no stranger to anyone I believe. Instagram is an American photo and video sharing social networking service created by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger. In April 2012.... Okay okay, no copy-pasted long description haha. So, my idea is to post one good drawing of mine produced in illustrator, colour calibrated and signed in photoshopped. Like this drawing of mine.  This image is posted in my  Deviantart (DexLearning...

Making Cartoon Aeroplanes for a game in Playstore

 My brother is seriously a workaholic. Sometimes I worry about him for his disregard for foods while working. Whenever he takes a leave or have a holiday, he sits in front of the laptop, starts working on codings for rest of the day. He makes apps for android devices. I must say, I found the apps quite good for someone who's only experienced for a year. I am proud of him. I love the passion for learning. It helps us grow. Anyway, so my bro has made this game. The game is in the alpha stage. Although it's already in the Playstore  (click to check) , he is changing a whole lot of the game. That includes the core design of the models. It's a fun casual a-good-time-killing game that involves a mini plane that flies on an endless loop. The player has to dodge the obstructions as they fly and collect points.  My bro Sour knows that I am learning to draw and create vector models. He gave me a project on making the model of the aeroplane, but with 5 diff colours. Red, Blue, Green...

Learning Illustration: 3 : Pencil strokes ( Adobe Illustrator )

 This blog is going to be super short and precise. I am exhausted. Real-life has ups and downs and then working on my youtube channel and the drawing Insta page . Lots to do, so less time. Anywho, the next day of the class from  Envato Tuts+ , we were taught in-depth stuff about the strokes. Strokes of Pencil to be exact. But the strokes would work the same way for every other tool.  Loved making the strokes with my Huion tablet. The knowledge our teacher Mr. Dan was giving on the strokes were vital.  Looks super neat right? This opens up the door for making lots of cool posters and web prints. While we were taught to use different brush tools and opening up other brush presets with different stroke patterns, in the next one he taught us to manipulate stroke gaps and create dash and dotted lines. Super cool. Let me show the product: That summed up the class. For the homework, we were given two photos. "Use your imagination and draw the strokes as you please", Mr Dan...

Learning Illustration: 2 : My aversion to the Pen Tool. ( Adobe Illustrator )

 Feels like forever since I updated this blog. Almost forgot what happened and what I learned in the next class following the last blog. If it wasn't for the saved screenshots, I would have to go through so much recollecting.  In this class of EnvatoTuts+ , we were taught the curvature tool. The new tool from the 2014's CC version onwards of Illustrator. It's like the pen tool, except it's much easier and noob-proof.  Remember I mentioned the "Shape Builder tool" in my last writing as my most favourite one. Well, I won't start ranking all the tools now, but this "curvature tool" can easily be my second most favourite one. It's like building shapes, curves to be exact, connecting the dots. Planning the dots according to the shape you are going for, lies most of the fun. Then if you want a sharper angle, double-clicking to create the dot would do the trick. So for a straight line, the Curvature tool" would require two dots just like the re...

A Few Logos I made heretofore

Well, I used to make logos with Photoshop before. Before learning this new illustrator thing. Even tho they seemed pretty exquisite and could make me content, I am going to stop making logos using royalty-free images. For one, it's not completely self-made. And many detest the idea of making a unique piece out of not so unique. Like the  article (click here)  explains their views.  Before I pack my logo making case, and shift from Photoshop to Illustrator, I would, however, like to share a few of the works done by me.  The first one is for a Thrifting page based in Mumbai. I'd highly recommend checking the newly made startup. Go check the page here:  Malyvuz  . She sells handpicked, washed, sanitized unique thrifted clothes reasonably priced, and with free gifts!  The logo was a bit too pink for her taste. I had to tweak it a bit and provide her with few more samples, as follows: Good? Well nah. She seems to like a basic round base for the background. ...

Learning Illustration with YouTube: My Journey in Adobe Illustration : 1

So I have been making some logos for a while now. But it's incomplete without learning to make it the proper way. And there comes the Vector Art. Installed Adobe Illustration. Had to go for the cc6 version as my pc runs on win 8.1 and the newer versions require the pc to be on windows 10. (God I hate win 10).  So later I came to the realisation that the cc6 and the older versions are incapable of turning the corners of an object to rounded ones. One must copy the shape, transform it to a rounded cornered one from the drop-down window, use the tool "Slice" and replace the target. If it's going over the head for some people, bear with me, please.  I had to install the newer version cc 17. I think that is the latest update as far as it doesn't ask you to have your windows upgraded to 10 but it comes with a new feature. The 'rounding corner option' introduced from this version turned to be a saviour and let you bypass all the 'to-dos' tasks mentioned e...