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Learning Illustration: 3 : Pencil strokes ( Adobe Illustrator )

 This blog is going to be super short and precise. I am exhausted. Real-life has ups and downs and then working on my youtube channel and the drawing Insta page. Lots to do, so less time.

Anywho, the next day of the class from Envato Tuts+, we were taught in-depth stuff about the strokes. Strokes of Pencil to be exact. But the strokes would work the same way for every other tool. 

Loved making the strokes with my Huion tablet. The knowledge our teacher Mr. Dan was giving on the strokes were vital. 

Looks super neat right? This opens up the door for making lots of cool posters and web prints. While we were taught to use different brush tools and opening up other brush presets with different stroke patterns, in the next one he taught us to manipulate stroke gaps and create dash and dotted lines. Super cool. Let me show the product:

That summed up the class. For the homework, we were given two photos. "Use your imagination and draw the strokes as you please", Mr Dan said while ending the class, "The first photo in the class we did, was an Angel. So for the homework try to make the pug a 'Devil' for fun, and the 2nd photo try to add a plane as it's about travelling. Just do what you wanna do".
So, the devil pug and the second photo with strokes and a airplane follows:

I like how it turned out to be for a beginner like me.
Also, I wanted to make a sky themed random drawing. The main motive is to end searching for a royalty-free background image. When I used to make a collage for insta pages and other projects, I always needed free background images and frames. Well, I would like to minimise the downloads with my own made-up images. 
How's this for the starter?

I also used this image for the post of my insta page. I will share the work here in the next blog.
Till then, adios! 


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