Feels like forever since I updated this blog. Almost forgot what happened and what I learned in the next class following the last blog. If it wasn't for the saved screenshots, I would have to go through so much recollecting.
In this class of EnvatoTuts+, we were taught the curvature tool. The new tool from the 2014's CC version onwards of Illustrator. It's like the pen tool, except it's much easier and noob-proof.
Remember I mentioned the "Shape Builder tool" in my last writing as my most favourite one. Well, I won't start ranking all the tools now, but this "curvature tool" can easily be my second most favourite one.
It's like building shapes, curves to be exact, connecting the dots. Planning the dots according to the shape you are going for, lies most of the fun. Then if you want a sharper angle, double-clicking to create the dot would do the trick. So for a straight line, the Curvature tool" would require two dots just like the regular "Pen tool" but with double clicks. I loved experimenting with it as we were asked to create outlines for a bunch of logos from the template. Then comes the even more fun part. Yes! Colouring them for the day's homework. And here what I had done.
Was supposed to write the blog after it, but didn't have time.
The next class was super boring. It's the class of using the infamous "Pen tool". One of the most versatile and useful tools of any adobe products and the most hated one by me. I just cannot operate it. And we were made to draw the same logos from the day before with the irksome "Pen tool".
Finished the class with some bizarre-looking logos. Too weird looking to share it in here. Haha.
Either way, to end the day well, I decided to draw random stuff in Microsoft Paint. Drawing there is a kind of pain! But since I had no homework to do for the day, so why not.
Here's what I had come up with.
The next day after uploading the latest video in the channel, I had the Illustration class again. Which will be posted in the upcoming blog of mine. Till then, take care everyone. Catch y'll later.
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